🏡 News about the real estate sector in Catalonia. New decree on tourist flats.

🏡 News about the real estate sector in Catalonia. New decree on tourist flats.

Update for the real estate sector in Catalonia! 🏡

📑 The recent Decree-Law 3/2023 has marked a milestone in the urban planning regime for tourist housing, directly impacting more than 260 Catalan municipalities.
The regulations require these municipalities to adjust their urban planning to be able to accommodate tourist flats, as long as they demonstrate that they have enough land for permanent housing and do not exceed the limit of five tourist homes per 100 inhabitants.

⚠️ Municipalities with accredited housing demand, a stressed market or already with more than five tourist flats per 100 inhabitants are particularly affected.

📌 How does this affect owners and future investors in the sector? Until municipalities adapt their planning, they will not be able to grant new licenses for tourist flats. In addition, the new licenses will have a renewable duration of five years, and current owners will have a five-year deadline to apply.

👉 To better understand the impact, some municipalities such as Naut Aran, Pals, Cadaqués and Salou are facing the closure of a high percentage of their tourist flats. According to the simulator provided by ccma.cat, the situation is revealing!

🔗 For more information, you can consult the press release of the Generalitat and the list of affected municipalities: https://govern.cat/salapremsa/notes-premsa/553942/govern-regula-habitatges-dus-turistic-262-municipis-regim-llicencia-urbanistica-previa

📰 Don't miss the simulator of surplus tourist flats and their percentage in ccma.cat:


We are attentive to the news that this regulation will bring to the real estate sector! 🏢

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